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Third quarter

Bienvenidos a la sección de tercer trimestre de embarazo en el blog de HappyMami. Aquí podrás ver un gran abanico de interesantes artículos tanto para padres como cuidadores de bebés y niños pequeños.

En este apartado, tratamos diferentes temas sobre el tercer periodo de embarazo. También nos centramos en los cuidados tanto del bebé en ese periodo como el de la madre, así como describir los síntomas que se pueden llegar a tener durante el embarazo

tercer trimestre

Artículos tercer trimestre

semana 34 embarazo

34th week of pregnancy

Week 34 is a time that marks the beginning of an exciting countdown to meeting your baby. At Happymami, we understand that this is a

Semana 35 embarazo

35th week of pregnancy

At Happymami, we know that the 35th week of pregnancy is an important process. You are entering a phase where every day counts, and your

36th week of pregnancy

Welcome to week 36 of pregnancy! At Happymami, we understand that each week of this wonderful stage brings with it emotions, expectations and new experiences.

37th week of pregnancy

Welcome to week 37 of your pregnancy! At Happymami, we know that every week brings with it unique emotions, expectations and questions. As you near

Gifts for Pregnant Women, for them

Finding the perfect gift for a pregnant woman can be an exciting challenge. Every pregnancy is unique and full of special moments and expectations. At

When is the third trimester of pregnancy?
The third trimester of pregnancy begins after the 28th week of gestation and lasts until the end of pregnancy, which is usually around the 40th week.

Find out more information in the following post: Pregnancy symptoms by trimester and what you should do.
When does one enter 7 months of pregnancy?
The third trimester of pregnancy begins around the 28th week of gestation and lasts until the end of pregnancy, which is considered at approximately 40 weeks gestation or 9 months. Therefore, if a person enters her seventh month of pregnancy, she is in the third trimester, specifically in the 27th week of gestation, close to the 28th week to start this trimester. It is important to remember that each pregnancy is unique and the development of the fetus may vary in each case.

Complete this information with the following post: Pregnancy monitors reaching the home stretch
What are the symptoms of the third trimester of pregnancy?
During the third trimester of pregnancy, which runs from week 28 until delivery, a woman’s body undergoes many changes to prepare for the birth of the baby. Some of the most common symptoms that may be experienced during this stage include:

– Increased abdominal size: the uterus continues to grow and expand to accommodate the growing baby, which may cause discomfort and difficulty sleeping.

– Braxton Hicks: uterine contractions that may be uncomfortable, but are not painful and do not indicate that labor is near.

– Difficulty breathing: as the baby grows, it can put pressure on the lungs and make breathing more difficult.

– Increased need to urinate: the expanding uterus may put pressure on the bladder and increase the frequency of visits to the bathroom.

– Heartburn and indigestion: the pressure of the uterus can also push the stomach upward, which can cause heartburn and indigestion.

– Back pain: a woman’s posture may change as the baby grows, which can put more pressure on the back and cause pain.

– Swelling in hands, feet and face: fluid retention can cause swelling in various parts of the body.

– Insomnia: discomfort and the frequent need to urinate can make it difficult to sleep.

It is important to remember that every woman and every pregnancy is different, so some symptoms may be more or less pronounced in each case. If you have any concerns about the symptoms you are experiencing, it is important to talk to your midwife or healthcare professional for more information and to receive appropriate medical care.

Complete this information with the following post: Pregnancy monitors reaching the home stretch
What not to do in the third trimester of pregnancy?
During the third trimester of pregnancy, there are certain things to avoid to maintain the health of mother and baby. Here are some things not to do in the third trimester:

– Smoking: Smoking is dangerous at any time during pregnancy, but especially in the third trimester. Cigarette smoke can affect the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the baby, increasing the risk of premature delivery, low birth weight and other health problems.

– Alcohol consumption: Alcohol consumption in any amount during pregnancy can be dangerous for the development of the fetus. Even a small amount of alcohol can cause behavioral, learning and brain development problems in the baby.

– Taking over-the-counter medications: It is important to talk to your doctor before taking any medications during pregnancy. Some medications can be dangerous for the developing baby.

– Eating raw or undercooked foods: Raw or undercooked foods may contain dangerous bacteria such as listeria and salmonella. These bacteria can cause serious complications in pregnancy, such as miscarriage and premature delivery.

– Intense physical activity or heavy lifting: It is important to stay active during pregnancy, but the third trimester is not the time to begin an intense exercise routine. In addition, it is important to avoid lifting heavy objects as this can put too much pressure on the abdominal area.

– Travel to destinations with a high risk of infectious diseases: Some destinations may have a higher risk of infectious diseases. It is important to avoid traveling to these places during pregnancy.

Remember that each pregnancy is unique and that the risks and recommendations may vary according to each woman’s individual situation. It is important to consult your midwife or gynecologist for specific recommendations on how to take care of yourself during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Complete this information with the following post: Pregnancy monitors reaching the home stretch

Guia forma pecho tallas 2022
Guías tallas 2 centímetros

[Lactancia Materna] 

Sabemos que durante la toma se produce una elongación del pezón, y la hemos tenido en cuenta durante el desarrollo de nuestras tetinas. Selecciona el pezón con el que te sientas más representada previo a la toma. 

Y por último, si usas pezoneras ten en cuenta el tamaño de la pezonera. 




¡Hola soy Alba! El holograma real de una de nuestras matronas y voy a acompañarte durante todo el proceso de diseño ¡Encantada de conocerte!

Recuerda que el diseño serán 5 pasos y en cada paso encontrarás distintas opciones entre las que irás deslizando para encontrar tu diseño perfecto.

Si das lactancia materna sigue las pautas con la marca:

[Lactancia Materna]

Si das biberón de forma exclusiva sigue las pautas con la marca:

[Biberón Exclusivamente]

1º Tipo de pezón

2º Inclinación de la tetina

3º Velocidad del flujo

4ºCapacidad del Vaso

5ºDale Color

Si tienes dudas con tu diseño puedes contactarnos por WhatsApp para que te ayudemos.

biberon ipad happymami

[B] Escogemos el flujo según la edad del bebé.

Recuerda que si vas a usar cereales, tienen una densidad mayor a la leche líquida, por eso tenemos disponible un flujo exclusivo para cereales y/o papillas


[LM] Existen corrientes de usar un flujo menor correspondiente a la edad del bebé.

Con Happymami no hace falta, nosotras para desarrollar nuestros Happymamis estudiamos la lactancia materna en su conjunto. La eyección de leche materna, el flujo de salida en cada etapa, la succión del bebé, las necesidades del bebé…. Y a partir de ahí desarrollamos nuestros flujos.

Entonces si tú tienes un bebé de 4 meses y le pones un flujo para bebés de 2 meses, lo que probablemente tenga más riesgo es que tu bebé rechace el biberón.

Por eso nuestra recomendación es que cojas el flujo que le corresponde por edad, y sigas las pautas que te daremos al realizar tu compra para que tu bebé coja el biberón sin afectar a tu lactancia materna.


[B] Si tu bebé sufre muchos cólicos necesitamos un biberón con un sellado total, que corresponde a la inclinación pronunciada. Por el contrario, usaremos una inclinación media, para casos aislados de cólicos. Y una inclinación suave en casos especiales indicados por nuestras matronas.


[LM] Puedes ponerte de perfil y observarte el pecho.

  • ¿Tienes un pecho totalmente plano? cogemos inclinación suave.
  • Si acaba totalmente en punta, escoge inclinación pronunciada.
  • O si más bien es redondito, inclinación media.

Si tienes dudas entre cualquier forma y redondeado, nuestro consejo es que cojas la inclinación media que corresponde al redondeado.


[Biberón exclusivamente] Si es el primer biberón que vas a usar desde el nacimiento, nuestra recomendación es que escojas un pezón medio.Por otra parte, si tu bebé ha usado ya otros biberones y los rechaza, o si al usar el chupete le genera muchos ascos y arcadas a tu bebé escogeremos pezón pequeño.

Guía medir pezón HM

[LM] Necesito que midas la longitud de tu pezón antes de la toma, [GUÍA PARA MEDIR PEZÓN].   

Sabemos que durante la toma se produce una elongación del pezón, y la hemos tenido en cuenta durante el desarrollo de nuestras tetinas. Por eso se tomaron justo esos parámetros de la medida del pezón antes de realizar la toma

Y por último, si usas pezoneras ten en cuenta el tamaño de la pezonera.